Company Profile

Company Name: CSP SERVICES
Company Address: Friedrich-Ebert-Ufer 30 - 51143 Köln, Germany
Company Website:
Type of Membership: Associate Member
Company Profile:
  • Consultancy
Company Description

“CSP Services GmbH” (CSPS) is a company for technology, engineering and consulting in the CSP field, counting on currently more than 25 staff members, mainly engineers, based in Cologne, Germany and in Almería, Spain, and the specific know-how licensed from DLR. CSPS offers measurement equipment as well as engineering and consulting services for developers, operators and owners of solar thermal power plants and has clients in Germany, Spain, and other countries worldwide. The company successfully applies innovative and CSP-specific measurement techniques to assure high performance solar fields. The measurement techniques photogrammetry (QFoto), deflectometry (QDec) and receiver test benches (QRec), together with specially developed evaluation and assessment tools serve for prototype evaluation, quality assurance, inspection and performance improvement of solar fields in concentrating solar power plants (i.e. parabolic troughs, heliostats, Fresnel systems, dishes) and in component manufacturing. Solar beam (DNI) resource measurements with remote controlled meteorological stations complement the scope of measurement applications. Consulting, due diligence, and studies by the team are based on the long experience and technological knowhow in international R&D and commercial projects. CSPS supports its clients in their attempts to decrease risks, increase project performance, and gain competitiveness in the growing CSP market sector. CSPS is a Spin-off company of the DLR (German Aerospace Center) Institute of Solar Research. The founders Dr. Eckhard Lüpfert, Dr. Klaus Pottler and Dr. Steffen Ulmer, have been members of the DLR Solar Research Department for many years. With their scientific devel-opments and publications, their worldwide field measurement experience and their successful support in optimizing CSP technology they and their team have become recognized experts in this field.